Case Disease Diagnosis
Adenocarcinoma (1); Adrenocortical Carcinoma (119); Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma (7); Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (1); Atypical Carcinoid Tumor (1); Atypical Myofibroblastic Neoplasm (4); Carcinoid (16); Cardiac Intimal Sarcoma (4); Chordoma (45); Chordoma -- Poorly Differentiated (4) ...
Number of Cases
Case Sex
Female (320); Male (202)
Case Age At Diagnosis
0 to 4 years (13); 5 to 9 years (18); 10 to 14 years (21); 15 to 19 years (38); 20 to 24 years (19); 25 to 29 years (21); 30 to 34 years (35); 35 to 39 years (39); Greater than 39 years (293)