Core Data Elements
Number of Cases
1,044Case Sex
Female (88); Male (956)
Case Age At Diagnosis
0 to 4 years (53); 5 to 9 years (13); 10 to 14 years (58); 15 to 19 years (96); 20 to 24 years (201); 25 to 29 years (234); 30 to 34 years (205); 35 to 39 years (184)
Case Race
Asian (7); Black or African American (2); Other (6); White (413); Not Reported (171); Unknown (445)
Case Ethnicity
Hispanic or Latino (23); Not Reported (171); Unknown (850)
Case Disease Diagnosis
Choriocarcinoma (68); Embryonal Carcinoma (521); Gonadoblastoma (3); Immature Teratoma (60); Mature Teratoma (334); Mixed Germ Cell Tumor (55); Necrotic Tumor (5); Seminoma (507); Seminoma/Dysgerminoma/Germinoma30 (26); Teratoma, NOS (3); Yolk Sac Tumor (315)
Case Tumor Site
Axillary Nodes (218); Bone (8); Brain (8); Liver (20); Lung (107); Lymph Nodes (4); Mediastinum (18); Omentum/Peritoneum (4); Other (68); Ovary (65); Pelvic Lymph Nodes (6); Retroperitoneum (9); Retroperitoneum Lymph Nodes (32); Sacrococcygeal (32); Spine (3); Testis (919); Unknown (3)