Osteosarcoma Explorer (OSE) incorporates a rich array of scientific discoveries for their translation to the care of osteosarcoma patients. The OSE project has assembled a multidisciplinary team of clinical, basic, and data scientists to tackle this rare yet severe disease. In collaboration with Children's Oncology Group and investigators at UT Southwestern, we have integrated clinical data, genomics data, protein data, and pathology images into a well-designed database. Built on this database, our team has developed this user-friendly web portal to offer functionalities such as patient query, online analysis, and digital pathology visualization.
Resource Description
Resource Type
Analytic Tool
Mixed Adult and Pediatric

Data Update Date
Data Content Type

Clinical, Genomics/Omics, Imaging
Resource Tools
Visualization Tools
Analytic Tools
Data Access

Case Disease Diagnosis
Osteosarcoma (564)

Number of Cases

Case Sex
Female (229); Male (304); Not Reported (31)

Case Age At Diagnosis
0 to 4 years (2); 5 to 9 years (27); 10 to 14 years (104); 15 to 19 years (120); 20 to 24 years (26); 25 to 29 years (9); 30 to 34 years (4); 35 to 39 years (5); Pediatric and Young Adult (<40 years) (267)
