The Biopathology Center (BPC) is part of the Abigail Wexner Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital (AWRI) and provides a full range of services related to biospecimen procurement, banking, processing, and distribution. The BPC is accredited by the College of American Pathologists Biorepository Accreditation Program (CAP BAP) and houses numerous biospecimen collection efforts, including the biorepositories of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) funded Children's Oncology Group, NRG Oncology-Columbus (formerly the GOG Tissue Bank), and SWOG. Also part of the BPC are the NCI-funded Pediatric Division of the Cooperative Human Tissue Network, and the Biospecimen Core Resource of the Center for Cancer Genomics (CCG), as well as numerous biospecimen collections sponsored by funded NCH investigators. Today, more than 4 million biospecimens are stored by the BPC using various storage modalities, including liquid nitrogen and -80 C mechanical freezers.
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